Swiss International Air Lines comprou 30 novos CS-100

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Black Typhoon
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Swiss International Air Lines comprou 30 novos CS-100

Mensagem por Black Typhoon »

Lufthansa Group Signs Purchase Agreement with Bombardier for up to 60 CSeries Aircraft

Bombardier Aerospace announced today that Deutsche Lufthansa AG, the launch customer for the CSeries aircraft program, has signed a firm purchase agreement for 30 CSeries model CS100 (formerly C110) single-aisle aircraft. These aircraft will be operated by Lufthansa’s subsidiary Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. The agreement also includes options on an additional 30 CSeries aircraft.


Based on list price, the contract value for the 30 CS100 aircraft is approximately $1.53 billion US.

The Lufthansa Group became the launch customer for the CSeries aircraft family in July 2008 when it signed a Letter of Interest (LOI) for up to 60 aircraft, including 30 options.

“Our purchase agreement with Bombardier for CSeries aircraft is a renewal of Lufthansa’s commitment to commercial success balanced by environmental and business policies oriented toward sustainability and passenger comfort,” said Nico Buchholz, Senior Vice President, Corporate Fleet, Lufthansa. “We are proud to be the launch customer for the CSeries family of aircraft which meets our requirements for sustainable fleet development including significant reductions in fuel burn and noise, as well as offering flexibility for the future.”

“Having Lufthansa - known throughout the airline industry for its stringent engineering and technical standards - sign this purchase agreement for our CSeries aircraft, confirms their confidence in the airplane and the future of the program,” said Gary R. Scott, President, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft. “We, at Bombardier, are delighted to have Lufthansa working with us from the beginning as we develop a family of aircraft designed specifically to meet the needs of the 100- to 149-seat market segment.”

Bombardier Aerospace also today announced the launch of new model designations for its game-changing CSeries family of aircraft. The 110-seat configuration (previously known as the C110 aircraft) will be designated the CSeries model CS100 aircraft and the 130-seat configuration (formerly the C130 aircraft) will be designated the CSeries model CS300 aircraft.

The 110-seat and 130-seat CSeries family of aircraft brings unmatched passenger comfort, performance, and operating economics, benefiting from the latest technological advancements, including: fourth-generation aerodynamics; increased use of composites and advanced aluminium alloys in structures; the very latest in system technologies, such as fly-by-wire, electric brakes, and a next-generation engine – the Pratt & Whitney PurePowerTM PW1000G engine. PurePowerTM represents a significant breakthrough in turbofan technology, especially on the environmental front where it will set new benchmarks from dramatically reduced fuel burn, noise, and emissions.

At time of entry into service in 2013, the CSeries family of aircraft will be the greenest single-aisle aircraft in its class. These game-changing aircraft will emit 20* per cent less CO2 and 50* per cent less NOx, fly four* times quieter, and deliver dramatic energy savings – 20* per cent fuel burn advantage as well as 15* per cent improved cash operating costs versus current in-production aircraft of similar size. The CSeries aircraft will set a new benchmark in the industry, consuming as little as two litres of fuel per passenger per 100 kilometres in its more dense seating layouts*.

The CS100 and CS300 aircraft models will share a new common centerline engine and have the same crew type rating, operating and maintenance procedures. Each of the aircraft models will also have operational flexibility to permit utilization on both short-haul and transcontinental routes.

In addition to Bombardier’s fourth-generation transonic composite wing design, the company is also using its Reconfigurable Engineering Flight Simulator II (REFS II) to develop customized ‘fly-by-wire’ control laws specific to CSeries aircraft. This simulator is the first of many devices planned, as part of an extensive integrated test regime, to ensure the CSeries aircraft achieves consistently high levels of reliability when it enters service.

About Bombardier

A world-leading manufacturer of innovative transportation solutions, from commercial aircraft and business jets to rail transportation equipment, systems and services, Bombardier Inc. is a global corporation headquartered in Canada. Its revenues for the fiscal year ended Jan. 31, 2008, were $17.5 billion US, and its shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD). Bombardier is listed as an index component to the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America indexes. News and information are available at

Bombardier, CS100, CS300 and CSeries, are trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.

*The CSeries aircraft is in the design phase. All data and specifications are estimates, subject to change in family strategy, branding, capacity, performance during the course of the design, manufacture and certification process. Performance has been estimated based on a 500-nm North American operating environment.

TM PurePower is a registered trademark of United Technologies Corp. – Pratt & Whitney.

Fonte e imagem: Bombardier Aerospace
Mensagens: 469
Registrado em: Dom Dez 19, 2004 20:52
Localização: RECIFE

Re: Swiss International Air Lines comprou 30 novos CS-100

Mensagem por CORSARIO 2402 »


Serah q de fatcto a EMBRAER perdeu esse contrato?

Pelo q sei a DLH teria dado opcao ao 190 para a SWISS na encomenda dos E JETS para a LH/EN.

Vamos aguardar, e me parece q essa eh a primeira encomenda dos CSERIES.

Mensagens: 543
Registrado em: Seg Dez 20, 2004 18:43

Re: Swiss International Air Lines comprou 30 novos CS-100

Mensagem por Vector »


A encomenda do E190 da Swiss, foi transformada em encomenda de E195 para a Air Dolomiti, Augsbursb e para a Lufthansa Regional. Ou seja do contrato original da Swiss com a Embraer, os aviões estão mantidos e aliás, a encomenda foi até ampliada.
Mensagens: 469
Registrado em: Dom Dez 19, 2004 20:52
Localização: RECIFE

Re: Swiss International Air Lines comprou 30 novos CS-100

Mensagem por CORSARIO 2402 »


Interessante essa noticia da EMBBRAER e a SWISS.

Pergunto: Q cia eh esta? Augsbursb, pois nunca ouvi falar.

Entao teremos a chance de fotografar os SWISS em REC nos deliveries?? E qtos serao desta encomenda ampliada? Logico se vc puder responder..... :D

Mensagens: 543
Registrado em: Seg Dez 20, 2004 18:43

Re: Swiss International Air Lines comprou 30 novos CS-100

Mensagem por Vector »

RAFAEL CRUZ - SBRF escreveu:Vector

Interessante essa noticia da EMBBRAER e a SWISS.

Pergunto: Q cia eh esta? Augsbursb, pois nunca ouvi falar.

Entao teremos a chance de fotografar os SWISS em REC nos deliveries?? E qtos serao desta encomenda ampliada? Logico se vc puder responder..... :D

Acho que me expressei mal.... Vc não verá EJet´s da Swiss não. Quando a Lufthansa comprou a Swiss ela herdou a encomenda desta que era de 15 E190 com opção para mais 15. Depois de um período de indefinições converteu aeronaves para o modelo E195 e depois converteu as 15 opções em encomendas firmes. Ou seja agora o grupo Lufthansa tem encomendados, firmes, 30 EJet´s. Destes 6 vão para a Air Dolomiti, outros vão para a Augsburg Airways e outros, acredito eu, para a Lufthansa Regional, ou talvez outro parceiro desta. QUem sabe até a própria Swiss, pois esta opera em aeroportos críticos, onde se usa o Step approach, e o E190 está este ano sendo certificado para este tipo de operação.