Airbus A380: maior avião do mundo encalha e fabricante dá de

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José Cursio
Mensagens: 7901
Registrado em: Qua Ago 02, 2006 14:21
Localização: São Paulo

Airbus A380: maior avião do mundo encalha e fabricante dá de

Mensagem por José Cursio »

ao noite amigos Forenses.

Airbus A380: maior avião do mundo encalha e fabricante dá desconto :unh?:

Fonte portal IG. ... conto.html" onclick=";return false;

Abs. Cursio
Mensagens: 1646
Registrado em: Sex Mai 19, 2006 21:35

Re: Airbus A380: maior avião do mundo encalha e fabricante d

Mensagem por Electra »

O 380 não serve só pra alimentar hubs, serve tb para rotas com altíssimo volume de tráfego. Entendo que as estadunidenses não o queiram mas as chinesas?!?! Uma que sempre imaginei operando o 380 é a Cathay. E a versão cargueira? Vai existir ou não? Lembro de ter visto ilustrações do 380 nas cores da Fedex...
Grato desde já!
Mensagens: 239
Registrado em: Seg Mai 09, 2005 12:40
Localização: petropolis, rj

Re: Airbus A380: maior avião do mundo encalha e fabricante d


Odds and Ends: Boeing discounting; A380 analysis; A320neo LEAP
Boeing discounting: Although Boeing alternately acknowledges it’s under price pressure from Airbus or it’s maintaining pricing on its aircraft, UBS aerospace analyst David Strauss concludes that discounting is increasing on the 737 and 777 but is somewhat better on the 787.
Strauss writes in an August 6 note that discounting on the 737 is around 59%. The 777 is now discounted at about 54% and the 787 trails at 46%. (He doesn’t bother with the 747-8.) These are for in-production models.
Strauss concludes that 737 discounting increased since the introduction of the MAX in 2011.
Current list pricing for the 737 is $78.3m for the -700, 93.3m for the -800 and $99m for the -900. The MAX list prices are $87.7m, $106.9m and $113.3m.
The list prices for the 777 are $269.5m for the -200ER, $305m for the -200LR, $330m for the -300ER and $309.7m for the -200LRF. The -8X comes in at $360.5m and the -9X at $388.7m.
The 787-8 lists for $218.3m, the -9 for $257.1m and the -10 for $297.5m.
We are hearing, however, of special cases in which the 787-9 runs for $135m or significantly less and the 787-8 for as low as $115m. We also hear of the 777-300ER being offered for as little as $128m in special circumstances. The calculated discounts UBS mentions for 737 fall within the pricing range that we hear in the market. Strauss writes that some discounts to list reached 65%, also within the range of what we have heard.
The discounting becomes increasingly important because Airbus says it can price the A330ceo and neo sharply below the 787, up to 25% less. Boeing has far less flexibility to discount the 787 than with the 737NG and 777 Classic. The former still isn’t making money while the latter have amortized production lines–just as the A330ceo line is fully paid for. Airbus has offered the A330ceo at steeper discounts to list than Boeing offers the 787, and the forthcoming neo will also see steeper discounts than the 787–unless Boeing becomes more aggressive in that pricing, which will only increase the time to profitability.
A380 analysis: Here is a good, detailed analysis about the Airbus A380 and its position in the marketplace.
A320neo LEAP: CFM’s LEAP-1A, for the Airbus A320neo, has entered production. Aviation Week has this article with the details.
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Registrado em: Seg Jan 09, 2006 07:46
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Re: Airbus A380: maior avião do mundo encalha e fabricante d

Mensagem por AntonioMelo »

Torço pela Emirates, uma companhia aérea fantástica, e por Dubai, uma cidade igualmente fantástica, mas temo que o futuro em médio e longo prazo, deixem de ser uma "novidade", e se tornem ambas fantasmas, super dimensionadas.
Antonio Melo
Entusiasta da Aviação
Mensagens: 628
Registrado em: Sex Nov 27, 2009 08:20

Re: Airbus A380: maior avião do mundo encalha e fabricante d

Mensagem por pauloroberto »

Aproveitando o assunto como se trata de um quadrimotor, gostaria de saber qual A-340 ainda sobrevive ,pois a tendencia é acabar e ficar somente o A380 e o 747-8....muitos A340 parados e sendo substituidos por 330 :( :cry: :cry: , alguem sabe o futuro do AIRBUS 340?
Mensagens: 628
Registrado em: Sex Nov 27, 2009 08:20

Re: Airbus A380: maior avião do mundo encalha e fabricante d

Mensagem por pauloroberto »

Desculpa se o topico em ingles fala alguma coisa, infelizmente nao sei o que :unh?: :unh?: :unh?: :unh?: